Saturday, September 4, 2010

God bless tail winds......

We awoke this morning to heavy rain outside which was not the most encouraging sound given our plans for the day, but fortunately it cleared to a gentle drizzle by the time we eventually set off......another clear sign for me why early morning starts should definitely not be on the agenda!

Today's ride although slightly shorter in distance (77 km) was defintely more challenging on terrain. After an easy time on a flat run from Wollongong to Kiama, we started our uphill slog encouraged and replenished by our fantastic support crew on a short pit stop (complete with an erected canopy to keep us dry.....bless them!).

We knew that the stretch between Kiama and Berry was going to be hard but thank God for tail winds.....which lasted just long enough to help on some key hills and then some fantastic scenery along the coastline did its job too. For the rest, it was just a determination despite the changing wind directions, diminishing cycle lanes and not always helpful road signage to complete the hill section and reach Berry where lunch awaited. Chris had set a blistering pace and definitely took out the yellow jersey for the day.....we initially suspected he had swapped bikes overnight but apparently the knowledge that he would not be riding tomorrow helped! Carolyn on the other hand set a more genteel pace behind the guys as well as taking a less than elegant fall (setting off from a rest stop) that resulted only in damaged pride - definitely not a yellow jersey day for her!

After lunch, the ride from Berry to Nowra seemed very short and soon we were back in Berry at the house we were staying in, showered (a must given the level of grit we were all covered in courtesy of the rain, road and passing semis..), fed a hearty dinner courtesy of our own masterchef, PJ, checked the news  (heard about the earthquake in NZ) and then set off again (in the car this time) back to Nowra to give a film night kindly hosted by the Nowra Salvation Army. It was a small but interested group who attended and it was encouraging to see our Freedom Song CDs start to sell for the first time.

All in all a satisfying day.....and tomorrow there is rumoured to be some sunshine - this rumour we are choosing to believe as we head off to sleep! 157 km down.....881 to go....

1 comment:

  1. Hi CATTers, so good to be able to follow this blog! Looking good for some sunshine soon...we are feeling for you with the wind and the rain. Glad to hear that PJ's cooking skills are up to the usual standard. Sorry to hear that Carolyn took the Gaelic blessing 'may the road rise up to meet you' a little too literally, but 'may the wind be ever at your back' seems to have been along the right line.
